Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Three for the house

During a time when I feel like I am running myself ragged trying to catch up on all my work, it is satisfying to take a little bit of time for my own personal creativity.  So here you go - three for the house.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Quick Hello!

I just wanted to send out a quick hello at the end of a very long day.  It has been an intensely busy week between my work and the strep we have been fighting our way through.  Anyhow, Evan and I were goofing off with the lights this evening.  Wanted to share a couple of shots.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

I heart spring

Have I mentioned yet that I hate winter.  Right, yes I have.  And, how do I know it is finally time to breath a sigh of relief?  The flowers have gone bonkers at my neighbors house....  

By the way, I have been planning to sell this lens.  Hmmm.. These photos have me rethinking that decision.....


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sully's Swing

Peace be with you, sweet baby Sully.  We miss you!


Sully's Playground

Today was the ribbon cutting for Sully's Playground at Trinity Presbyterian Church.  Sully lived for only six days and died due to a genetic disorder.  His parents, Heidi and Brad, raised money to build the playground in Sully's memory.  I feel honored that I was there to be a part of the festivities.  It started to rain on us, but I don't believe that stopped any of the kids from having fun!


Saturday, April 19, 2008


I cannot believe how much time I just wasted creating this but I could not resist.  
SAVE THE INSANE GIRL is what the imaginary signs say.......

p.s.  How are my eyebrows, Corinne???  My much-adored hair stylist let me know my eyebrows needed to be colored to match my hair after viewing the self-portraits on my website.  details....  Thank you, Corinne, for fixing my bald eyebrows.


I don't do weddings...............

.....but I will do couple/engagement shots ANY time!!!

Amy was my VERY FIRST client! Yes, way back when in 2005 the two of us ventured out in Ghent after a LARGE glass of wine. I am not sure who felt more awkward - the girl in front of the lens or behind it!! Well, I have come a LONG way since then. And, I think my model appreciated sharing the spotlight with her wonderful fiance, Mike.

We had a blast. And, no, I will not be shooting her wedding. I look forward to sitting back and watching some other photographer work his/her tail off during the festivities!!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Flurry of Behind the Scenes Work at PRB

I am amidst a flurry of behind the scenes work here at PRB. A new look - a new feel - a new experience. I am creating new pricing, new products, new marketing, new packaging and toying with a new logo design. Client incentive pricing - oh, yes, that means great things for my clients! A mix of that Crushaholic artsy flair with the classic feel of PRB styling. A lot is in store. Here is a little taste of my new feel.


C at the PRB Bench

I had my first photo shoot with my new camera on Sunday. Wow. Still stunned and excited. Need I say more?? I am sure I will because I cannot stop buzzing over this amazing camera.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Said 'Strapping SEO Extraordinaire'

Can't stop myself.....

I just can't stop myself from continuing to post photos from the same outing.  I am totally feeling this camera.  LOVE.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Teetering between super wide and a fisheye...

My favorite lens for nearly a year has been my ultra-wide angle lens.  It is super wide and gives the distortion without the craziness of a fisheye.  It is my mainstay.  Well, now with the full frame it is one notch further into the world of fisheye - teetering on the edge of over-the-top distortion.  It is like getting a whole new lens.  I have to relearn how to use it!  SUCH fun.  


Friday, April 11, 2008

Whooowee! Crushaholic is IN LOVE!!!!!!

WOW.  I am totally and utterly in love with my new camera.


Such fun.  I cannot believe the craziness of my wide angle lens on this full frame sensor!  

Here a few photos of a very tolerant photog's kid.

Ok now I swear I will go spend time with my family.....  if I can tear myself away.....


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I have been transformed... AND photographed by the master, herself

Yes, it is true.  I have a genuine Marmalade photo IN MY POSSESSION and even the permission to post it on my blog.  One day this will be worth a ton of cash.  ONE DAY.  


I have been transformed........

I am home from a life-changing workshop hosted by my dear friend, Marianne Drenthe.  It was phenomenal.  I am inspired, transformed, excited, revitalize, reinforced.  It was far more than I could ever have imagined.  I am indebted to Mare for the rest of my life.

Thank you so much, Mare, for teaching us about putting our hearts into our work.  It was exactly what I needed to hear!

I will post some of the photos I took from the workshop in the next few days.  I am still trying to get back on track and catch up on the rest I most certainly did NOT get over the weekend!


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Session Fee Increase!!!

Yes, it is true.  The time has come for me to increase my session fee to $185 for new clients and $150 for previous clients.  The increase will take place for all sessions booked after May 1, 2008.  BOOK TODAY to secure your date at the old rate!  All you need to do to secure the old rate is select a day and pay your session fee.  Voila!

No!  It is not my exhaustion from lack of sleep (see previous post) that has made me up my rates!  There are great new things in store from PRB!  This weekend I will attend the See The Light workshop hosted by the wonderful and talented Marianne Drenthe - Owner of the boutique-styled Marmalade Photography in Wilmington, IL.  I have recently added the PRB Inspire Guide, interactive proofing templates and in-home consultations.  I have created personalized proofing guides to assist clients with their orders.  All of these changes will be taking place IMMEDIATELY!  And, soon I will have the latest photographic technology that is the buzz worldwide - the Nikon D3.  
Hold On Tight!  Oh, Yes.  I am definitely ready to jump...



You would think I would know better.  It isn't as if it is a surprise.  But I just couldn't resist that creamy latte I yearned for at 4 pm.  It was warm and I was cold.  I made a small one with only 3 oz of espresso versus the 4.5 ounces I do in the morning.  I never ever drink coffee or green tea during the afternoon for one reason and one reason only.  Caffeine-induced-insomnia.  My husband can down a Dr. Pepper at bedtime and sleep like a baby all night long.  Not me.  I thought I was good.  Fell asleep with NO PROBLEM around 10 pm.  And, then BOOM.  Wide awake at 1 am.  Now it is almost 4.  And, right now I can feel a buzz in my inner ear.  My brain is going crazy with all the things on my to-do list for tomorrow.  Of course, because I have been up for the past two+ hours already, I will be sleepy all day tomorrow.  So that means the workout I had intended in the morning may have to get kicked from the list in addition to half the mountain of things I need to get done tomorrow.  I have already been working on those things in my head.  Too bad I don't REALLY have them done.  Sigh.

And, I have definite deadlines right now.  This weekend I am heading to Chicago to attend the See The Light workshop hosted by my dear friend Marianne Drenthe - owner of Marmalade Photography.  I am so excited to finally meet her and to share in her wisdom!  We met online years ago through something having nothing to do with photography.  She is a very caring and generous person not to mention the fact that she is also incredibly talented and motivated.  I can imagine she will do an awesome workshop.  My invisible friend will no longer just be invisible!

So I have been packing my camera in my head.  Deciding which camera to bring.  I usually don't travel with my most expensive camera but for sure my D2X THIS weekend.  Which lenses.  Three?  Four?  How many compact flash cards.  At least both my 4 gb.  Maybe another.  OH, I better not forget my card reader.  (as if I would forget my card reader..)  Do I need my flash and SU-800? no I don't think so.  Gosh, I need to update the software on my laptop.  And, I probably need to free up some space on my drive.  I can pack that portable.  I rely on my desktop for all my photo editing but this weekend I will WANT to edit my images.  I better remember to update all my actions.  Where are those actions I have written myself, anyway?  In the library?  Or in file upon file upon file in the applications folder??  Gosh I wish I remembered.  Oh, and all my brushes and logos.  Ugh.  I wonder if she has wireless internet.  Does my hotel have internet?  Will I be able to chat with Ian?  I better remember my iSight.  And, what about the fact that I am still running on 10.3?  But I can't install Leopard unless I install CS3.  And, I can't install CS3 unless I pay for another license which is absurdly overpriced.  But then I can't play with the D3 NEF files that I will capture when I borrow her baby because I only have CS2.  So what will I do???  WHAT WILL I DO?????? 

So what time will UPS deliver my photos for my portfolio on Friday?  If it is time to go to the airport and he hasn't gone by can I track him down in the neighborhood and demand my WHCC package??  Is that totally unsat?  I can collate on the plane as long as I have the package.  Why didn't I order them on Monday instead of Tuesday?

This is my inner monologue at 3 am incase you were wondering.  At least now I have it written down to remember my card reader and my iSight so I don't have to worry I will forget.  Oh, and let me remind myself now to charge my GPS tomorrow.  And, my iPod.  Phone charger.  Don't forget the phone charger.

I need a book.  What is that Oprah book club book??  Yea, I need that.

Who is going to pick me up from the airport on Monday??  

Well, one thing I HAVE done in my two hours of 'post-midnight mental tasking' is go to to see the forecast for my big weekend in CHI town.  Um, Mare?  It is only going to be 50 degrees there!?!  What's up with that??  Are we going to be indoors the whole time?

Gosh, that means I am going to have to pack sweaters.  And, boots.  But which boots??  I better do some laundry tomorrow so I am not waiting on UPS AND the dryer on Friday.  What will I wear on the plane? I have to be ready to go right out and meet everyone once I get there.  Going out clothes....  jeans...  boots.....  

I am a freak.  I sound like I never travel.  But it has been a while.  After the traveling blitzkrieg of 2006 you would think this would be old hat.  But I was a freak about all the details for each of those trips, also.  Think of all the great places I went that year.  I miss traveling.  Why can't I just be happy with a backpack staying at a youth hostel so I could afford to travel all the time?  No, I want nice hotels and fine dining.  Cocktails by the pool.  Dreaming of Puerto Rico....  Lisbon...  Singapore...  Must go back to Europe.  Stat.

nearly 5 am.  almost sleepy.  not quite but almost....


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Universe is Speaking to Me

So, why do I not believe in coincidences.  I could write a book on this topic.  Honestly, when something really bad happens to you, you can either wallow in sorrow or you can find a way to turn it around into a positive.  I learned that back in 2002 when I almost died and the path of my life was forever altered without my consent.  Ever since I have tried to reason it out in my head.  How has near-death changed me?  I seek inspiration in everything I do, whether it is deep and mindful like the friendships I keep, or basic and simple, like watching Oprah Winfrey when she features successful, spiritual people on her show.  I try to take a little piece of everything I experience and find a way to apply it to my life in a positive way.  Take, for instance, the ad campaign for the Virginian Pilot.  The ads are amazing.  They have a great song and an excellent message about being in charge of your life and finding your calling.  They started this summer when I was going thru a period that was nothing short of artistic angst. Those ads were some really driving inspiration for me.  At times they almost made me cry and then smile through tears as I tried so hard to make my life as the wife of a deployed naval officer work.  SO frustrating to hold the weight of the house and family on my shoulders and at the same time attempt to run a very challenging business.  So many times I didn't know where to turn and what to do next on the path that only I can create.  And, then one of those ads would play at just the right moment.  They always made me feel stronger - empowered.  They made me believe in myself.    

WELL, look in todays sports section and who will you see???  HALF PAGE?  In one of the 'It's In Your Hands' ads???  MY SON.  

Rewind to the day the photo was taken.  Ah, the day of the fly in.  Ian was away 18 of 24 months.  That is a staggering amount of time.  As a family we were pushed to the edge with such a separation.  I need not detail how it all effected me - that is all here in my blog.  See the entry about DEPRESSION, ANGST, MISERY.  But the fly in finally marked the end.  We were soooo excited.  It was just a couple of days before Christmas.  I wore a brand new silk dress.  Evan wore his mini flight suit and flight jacket.  We even dug out one of Ian's old covers to complete the look.  I brought my camera but was so giddy I could barely remember how to use it!  My shot of the low formation of jets that flew overhead is white because I forgot to change my exposure.  But it was okay.  There was plenty of press to get the shots, right?  And, naturally Evan was the media darling in his flight suit, flight jacket, brown boots, and cover.  Rich-Joseph Facon, a VERY TALENTED photographer for the Virginian Pilot spent most of the 45 minutes from the fly over to the taxiing in to the run-as-fast-as-you-can-and-tackle-your-hubby-moment attempting to get the perfect shot of my dear son, Evan.  Of course, Evan was sooooo on to him, being the son of a photographer, and was not fooled.  He hid under his sign and just giggled at how difficult he was being.  So happy to not be yelled at by mom for dodging the camera.  But Facun was not phased and enjoyed being goofy with Evan.  He was determined.  He must have taken 100 photos of Evan alone that day.  And, when he stepped back and waited, this photo presented itself.  It has made him famous.  It was the front page of the paper the next day.  It was selected as photo of the month, one of the top photos of 2007 for the Pilot. He won international award for it.  People all around the world have seen it.  My kid is a poster child for military kids.  And, now it is an ad campaign.  

How amazing for us to be a part of that!  And, Ian wasn't even mad that he got upstaged by his five year old!

But now that the two have come together?  My life and the 'It's In Your Hands' ad campaign??  How do I even process this.  I most certainly don't believe in coincidences now.  I have proof that the universe is one with me - sending a message just for me.  I really just need to hold tight.  It will allllllll make sense soon.  I believe I will find what I am looking for, after all.

 Someone pinch me.  My kid is in the Virginian Pilot ad campaign......  I cannot believe it!  It all just swirls and comes together...  I just cannot explain it other than to hold on and enjoy the ride.
